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WhatEx: Food, Dance, Yoga
WhereEx: Basel
Here we provide all of the major props needed for our classes: Aerial yoga silk on the cei ...
St. Johanns-Vorstadt 14/2. UG, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
Qui peut bénéficier des bienfaits du yoga et à qui s'adresse-t-il ? Le yoga s'adress ...
Rue auguste bachelin, 2074 Switzerland
+41 79 293 77 01
Dein Yoga-Studio in Basel! Bestens ausgebildete YogalehrerInnen, grosses Angebot an Lektio ...
Matthäusstrasse 3, 4057 Basel, Switzerland
Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja (BKS) Iyengar was the founder of Iyengar yoga and one of ...
St. Galler-Ring 81, 4055 Basel, Switzerland
+41 61 271 88 26
In 1995 I learned the great benefit of meditation and in the year 2000 know the energy-gen ...
Winkel 3 4422 Arisdorf Basel 4052, Switzerland
41 61 313 21 01
Atempause kurze Unterbrechung, kurze Pause zur Erholung (aus dem Duden) Herzlich Willkom ...
Mülhauserstrasse 135, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
079 822 46 39
Unser ganzheitlicher Ansatz zielt auf das Zusammenspiel von Körper, Geist und Seele Wi ...
Baslerstrasse 8, 4103 Bottmingen, Switzerland
+41 61 421 54 54
Born in Basel. Primary school in Riehen/BS and Reinach/BL, Matura at Leonhard-Gymnasium in ...
Witterswilerstrasse 28, 4114 Solothurn, Switzerland
061 731 3115
Ashtanga Yoga is the oldest known form of yoga; a powerful practice of self-transformation ...
Midartweg 15, 4500 Solothurn, Switzerland
Yoga teacher, physiotherapist I love to move, especially in nature. Movement brings m ...
Hans Huber-Strasse 37A, 4500 Solothurn, Switzerland
Pour nous, le curry est une sauce composée de différents mélanges d'épices. La plupart ...
Chavannes Ferme de la Mouline 8, Lausanne 1015 Switzerland
Aujourd'hui, notre restaurant fait pleinement partie de la vie locale de Lausanne et rayon ...
Av. Bergières 20, 1004 Lausanne, Switzerland
+41 21 624 30 33